- Soy 300 g
- Water 1 L
- Syrup 2 tbsp
Soymilk is cooked at home in minutes. Cooking involves soaking, grinding, and filtering soybeans. Soy milk recipe is one of the simplest recipes that any vegan can cook! And besides, homemade soy milk is much cheaper than store-bought "Alpro" or "Nemoloko"
Soy milk can be a great alternative to cow's milk. Such plant milk can be used to breast-feed infants. The nutritional value of soy milk is close to cow's, but it contains almost no calcium - this should be taken into account.
Especially a lot of protein and fiber is found in okara. Okara is what remains after filtering soybeans. This valuable product is also called soybean meal or soybean pulp. From Okara you can cook soy cutlets - I’ll tell you about this in another recipe, but for now let me tell you how to make soy milk.