Vegan dishes are often cooked during cooking. During cooking under the influence of high temperature, unwanted substances (carcinogens, trans fats, free radicals, etc.) can easily form in your vegan dish - and such vegan food already noticeably loses all its charms and advantages. In addition, under the influence of high temperature, valuable vitamins, trace elements and enzymes (enzymes) that help digest food in the stomach are destroyed in plant foods.
If you want to eat more wholesome foods and fully preserve the nutritional value of foods, then it's time to try vegan raw food recipes. Recipes of raw food dishes exclude the process of frying, boiling, stewing, baking. The ingredients can not be heated above 40 degrees. A vegan raw food diet allows only raw plant foods to be eaten.
From the Vedic point of view, a large amount of energy (prana) is contained in raw foods. Eating plant foods in its natural form means accepting nature itself. Imagine an apple growing on a tree and absorbing the energy of the sun and the earth. Once in the human body, an apple fills it with all the accumulated energy. Thanks to this, raw foodists constantly feel a surge of vitality.
From a scientific point of view, raw foods retain more beneficial properties and enzymes (enzymes) that help food digest itself without the extra cost of the body.
Eating exclusively raw food dishes, you can cleanse toxins and toxins in a short time. And with the right approach, getting rid or preventing many diseases (for example, such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, etc.).
But even despite all the physiological and energy benefits, not every vegan decides to try a raw food diet. Often vegans are haunted by the fear of being hungry and being deprived of the main pleasure - a feeling of satiety. Some vegans are afraid of hunger, others think that these raw food dishes are not tasty enough, while others simply cannot think of what raw food dishes to prepare. You need to drop these fears and misconceptions and just open the tasty doors to the satisfying world of healthy vegan raw food diet!
Vegan raw food diet is healthy, tasty, satisfying and easy!
It is not necessary to fry, cook and stew to prepare a delicious dish. And an example of this is the delicious raw food recipes that you see on this page. You can easily find ingredients for raw food dishes in your kitchen or in a nearby store. The fewer ingredients in a raw food dish, the better it is digested by your stomach. This section contains simple raw food recipes, for the preparation of which you will not need much time and effort.
If you have already decided to try vegan raw food recipes, then I consider it necessary to advise you a few rules:
do not mix fat with sugar to eliminate fermentation (dates with nuts, dried fruits with avocados, etc.)
do not use starchy and acidic foods together; acid makes starch breakdown difficult (sandwiches with tomato, banana with orange)
so as not to frighten, eat fruits first, and only then vegetables, herbs and other raw food products
so that there is no indigestion, eat acidic fruits first, and only then more sweet ones.
also for vegan raw food diet, many nutrition rules in Ayurveda are suitable.
Having tasted delicious raw food recipes, you don’t want to part with them for a long time, and you’ll probably turn into a raw food eater for a month, or maybe you will prepare raw food recipes for several years in a row. But do not forget that an improperly balanced raw food diet often leads to health problems. Therefore, it is important to monitor the consumed vitamins, trace elements and take vitamin B12 for at least one month a year.
The diet of a raw foodist should include foods rich in vegetable protein, valuable oils, vitamins and minerals.
Raw nuts (for better assimilation, you can soak them for several hours or make nut milk).
Legumes, cereals and cereals (used in sprouted or soaked form).
Seeds of pumpkin, sesame, flax, sunflower.
Berries, vegetables and fruits (freshly squeezed juices, smoothies).
Dried fruits.
Sea kale.
Unrefined vegetable oils.
Infusions of plants and herbs.
Another advantage of vegan raw food diet, as a diet, is to reduce excess weight. Weight loss is caused by low calorie and fatty foods, as well as a decrease in acts of overeating and the removal of toxins from the body, in the form of accumulated debris.